Le Roi Juan Carlos d’Espagne déguste l’huile Les Terroirs de Marrakech à l’occasion du cinquantenaire du Conseil Oléicole International à Madrid
A l’occasion du cinquantième anniversaire du Conseil Oléicole International, ATLAS OLIVE OILS a eu le privilège de faire déguster son huile d’olive vierge extra LES TERROIRS DE MARRAKECH à SM le Roi Juan Carlos d’Espagne. Le Roi d’Espagne a apprécié le fruité et les arômes exceptionnels de cette huile qui a gagnée en Juin 2009 le 3ème prix MARIO SOLINAS. La cérémonie du GALA ROYAL s’est tenue le 19 Novembre 2009 à Madrid, en présence des membres du gouvernement espagnol.
Proud of my Italian oils I had a little reticence in trying a Moroccan oil. With my big surprise I found it really delicious. I used it raw to but, I’ve to admit, it’s great for frying too. It has very hi smoke point that makes my ‘fritto misto’ lovely golden and crunchy. I highly recommend it!
Les Terroirs de Marrakech
I bought this oil as I was attracted by its elegant and unusual bottle. Such a precious container had to contain a very special product and I was right! The bottle on your table is a pleasure for your eyes and when you pour it, pervasive perfumes invites your dining companions to taste it and they feel privileged to savor such a rare nectar. My guests are special and I love being a perfect gracious hostess.
Desert Miracle
I discovered this great oil when looking for a good oil for my olive oil ice cream. It resulted to be the best one. Now I use it as a topping to add savory complexity to many of my sweet treats. Delicious!
110 Bd. Yaacoub El Mansour, 20370 – Casablanca – Morocco
T. +212 522 981125 or 26 – F. +212 522 982485